Monday, November 3, 2008

The biggest responsibility of my working life

Time flys so fast. I even don't know how long I have left from this lovely blog. Hello, guys. How ya? Pretty happy in life today of our individually, right? Well, some might say yes but some might not. Life is like this. This week I got a very excited news from my supervisor. He said he has to come back to his homeland(Australia) in next two weeks. I was so surprised, why? Because I must take all his responsibilities on behalf of project manager. Imagine how young experience am I? I just has started to work for only half year. I think I can't handle it at all. Plus this project will finish at the end of this year. Oh, i have to write both financial report and project report to donor. Oh, I will be in trouble soon? But here is just internal worlkplace. There is still when I finish the project, maybe don't have other job to do too. Oh! I want to cry nas but couldn't.
Well, leave you guys this time, see you later.
Gotta work heuy!

With love from,
HHaaah ha!